
Die FEMA hält virtuelle und persönliche Veranstaltungen ab, um zu schulen, Katastrophen-Überlebende zu unterstützen, Stellenangebote zu teilen und weitere Aktivitäten zu fördern, die mit der Hilfestellung für Menschen vor, während und nach Katastrophen zusammenhängen.

Vergangene Ereignisse

image of house under water
Do You Know Your Flood Risk? Join FEMA, state, and local officials for an opportunity to view the updated flood maps for the Plymouth County Charles River Watershed Floodplain Mapping Study.

This office hours webinar is for interested applicants for either funding opportunity.

states of wv, va, pa, md, dc, de with fema logo, state emergency management, and state environmental agencies
Local and state emergency managers, building code officials, and others share responsibility for reducing their communities’ risk in dealing with natural hazards and other events – before, during, and after a disaster. Listen to a panel discussion from multiple levels of government of how building codes can be implemented.

Virtual presentation offered by FEMA's Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Program (CITAP) to provide information of how to use the most commonly downloaded continuous improvement templates and guides available on CITAP's Preparedness Toolkit (PrepToolkit) website.

This virtual public meeting is a chance for Denver County residents and stakeholders to ask FEMA and Mile High Flood District (MHFD) about the new flood maps and flood risk for areas near Harvard Gulch, Dry Gulch (Harvard Gulch Tributary), Sanderson Gulch and Sloan’s Lake Drainageway. They can also learn about the community’s role in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
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