Office of the Chief Procurement Officer

Our Mission

To deliver the best business solutions by providing a full range of acquisition services to FEMA programs, partners and the survivor community considerate of the laws, rules and regulations that govern the federal acquisition process in a manner that is directly focused on the mission of FEMA.

What We Do

We provide acquisition business solutions with excellence.  

Other Office Functions

  • Are responsible for overall oversight and conduct of FEMA's acquisition mission.
  • Provide pre- and post-award contracting and acquisition support to our customers – ensuring stewardship of public funds by following the federal acquisition regulations and the tenets of best practices in acquisition.
  • Prepare our acquisition disaster cadre and contracting officers for response missions.
  • Provide customer support in acquisition planning, requirements development, investment review support and program oversight.
  • Manage CORs’ and program managers’ development/certification.
  • Develop and monitor acquisition policy, provide acquisition data reporting and analysis, and manage e-Business tools.
  • Manage FEMA’s Advance Contracts for goods and services that are contracted for in advance of major disaster declarations.


View the FEMA Offices & Leadership page to learn about this program's key staff.

Last updated